Watch recordings of past public lectures and other events hosted by Civitas.
Dynamism and Stagnation: An Outlook
Flexibility and responsiveness are particularly important during periods of shock.
What is an Establishment of Religion? And What Does Disestablishment Require?
Vincent Phillip Muñoz reviews a new book about the Establishment Clause.
National Poll from Civitas Institute: Trump Victory Driven by Voters Who Reject Status Quo
The poll asked 1,200 Americans an array of questions about how things are going in America.
Recent Patterns of New Business Creation
The pandemic surge of new business entries highlights American entrepreneurial dynamism.
The Housing and Migration Crisis
Challenges to housing affordability have undermined economic mobility and dynamism.
Trump Must Pick Judges Who Have Publicly Demonstrated Their Courage
The two most conservative members of the Court, Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, routinely complain that their new colleagues lack fortitude.
Sorry, Biden's Pardons Are Much Worse Than Trump's
There are notable differences between the recent pardons granted by Biden and Trump.
Causes Tending to Undermine a Democratic Republic
Commentary on de Tocqueville: Vol. One, Part Two, Chapter Nine
What Kind of Democracy in America?
If elections are mandates for democratic change, then what role should the Constitution play?