Through original, empirical research, we seek to better understand the nature of individual, economic, and political liberty.
Dynamism and Stagnation: An Outlook
Flexibility and responsiveness are particularly important during periods of shock.
What is an Establishment of Religion? And What Does Disestablishment Require?
Vincent Phillip Muñoz reviews a new book about the Establishment Clause.
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Sorry, Biden's Pardons Are Much Worse Than Trump's
There are notable differences between the recent pardons granted by Biden and Trump.
Causes Tending to Undermine a Democratic Republic
Commentary on de Tocqueville: Vol. One, Part Two, Chapter Nine
A Big TikTok Consideration Trump Needs to Prioritize on Day One
President Trump faces a host of legal issues related to the 2024 Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act
Europe Faces Green Energy Immiseration. Trump Is About to Offer It a Lifeline
Green ideology is deindustrialising the UK and the Continent. America is embracing a more abundant future.
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