Daniel Burns is a visiting fellow at the Civitas Institute and an associate professor of politics at the University of Dallas. His research in political philosophy focuses on the relation between religion and citizenship. He is currently working on a book called Against Secularism: Religious Identity and Liberal Democracy. He has also written on the philosopher Al-Farabi, Thomas More, John Locke, Sayyid Qutb (Islamist ideological thinker known as the father of Salafi jihadism), the Strauss-Kojève debate (during which Leo Strauss and Alexandre Kojève debated the subject of philosophy and tyranny), Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI), Samuel Huntington, American foreign policy, and the modern Catholic church. He is a member of the Neuer Schülerkreis Joseph Ratzinger/Papst Benedict XVI, a Germany-based association of scholars dedicated to advancing Pope Benedict XVI’s intellectual legacy. He holds a B.A. in political science from Williams College and a Ph.D. in political science from Boston College.